Spotlighting our businesses

Redbourn Village Barbers

In 2009, Hayley Law took over the Redbourn Village Barbers as her own shop. Previously Hayley managed the shop on behalf of the owners.

In May 2022, Hayley and her assistant Jo, moved the shop to new premises in Redbourn High Street, providing a wide range of barbering services for men and children, including those with special needs, many of whom have been long term customers.

Hayley trained originally in Scotland in 1989 and then moved south where she developed her skills working in a number of barbers shops locally.

Redbourn Village Barbers is open 6 days a week:

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 8.30am to 4pm

Address: 80 High Street, Redburn, St. Albans, Herts. AL3 7LN

By Roger Sandell


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